
Blog refresh

Just a very short post to announce some of the changes I made this morning.

As you have noticed, I havent been active on this blog recently. And by recently I meant the past 6 months. My last post about doing things that matters was in August 2015, it’s Jan 2016 now, so almost 6 months if you dont know how to count like me.
Anyway, my excuse is I’ve been staying true to that last post.

This morning, for some happy odd reasons, I was up at 6:00 am. I couldnt remember if it was a dream that woke me up or the good feeling I have been having the past couple days (more on that later), anyway I decided to wake up instead of snoozing in bed like I always did (bad habit I told you), took a shower, got my coffee ready, and took a look at my lovely lonely blog. Why havent you been visiting?

The blog did look lonely and boring so I wanted to refresh it a little bit, trying out new things and tada. I am pretty happy with the changes I made. With a couple of simple tricks, the blog looks more lively now with more content and much easier to follow

  • ‘Follow via Email’ option! I cant believe how did I miss this before. A pretty significant change if you ask me. It allows people to follow the blog much easier using just their email (as opposed to having to log in to WordPress with the blue Follow WP button). Try it out!
  • Instagram! WP now has plugin for instagram. Not sure if it’s a new thing or I missed it before because I didnt have Instagram back then. But this is a great addition to the theme. Now you know more about me 🙂
  • Most Popular posts. The most popular post was there before but it’s ordered ‘by views’, which becomes pretty pathetic for me because no one follows my blog any more 🙂 properly due to no new content :P. So I switched it to ‘by likes’, which shows much better because no matter how little ‘likes’ I got, they are still counted!
  • Archive links, again more accessibility to my other posts. So check them out and ignore the low frequency
  • What else? LinkedIn share. LinkedIn was deliberately left out in the sharing option because I didnt want to ‘pollute’ the professional network. But seeing LinkedIn becomes pretty dead to me, I decided to give it a couple kicks. Not that it will likely matter. But seriously, LinkedIn got to step up their game in order to keep my interests.

