
Something Worth Sharing

Something worth sharing is an idea I had one morning and a solution to several struggles I have.

I’ve always wanted to share great stories and ideas that I think would inspire my friends and also help raising awareness in the process. I often came across an article and I thought “This is a great story. I should share them!” And I did, on Facebook. Facebook was a natural choice because that’s where my friends are and it’s easy to do so. However, there is a problem with Facebook post: it got lost over time. It’s like dropping a droplet into an ocean and you can never find them again. I need a more permanent solution.

Then on that brilliant morning, I thought “why not sharing them on my blog?”

It seems to be a great idea because I can track them properly here and they get exposed to a much broader community. However, it also presents a challenge: with my blog being as clustered as it is (another identity crisis), posting random topics is the last thing I want to do. Besides, I dont know how a reblog would work, so all I have been doing was just putting some reference links here and there and hope people would click on them. But clearly, those links wont do justice.

This is where WordPress category shines. I’ve created a dedicated category for them and grouped them all under the “Something Worth Sharing” top menu tab. Here we go, a dedicated tab for all of the things I want to share!

P/S: I used the ‘reblog’ button for the first time today and it turned out to be exactly what I wanted. The post was posted to my wall with a preview of the content and the original link, so it routes traffic to the original site. Best of all, reblog actually works with WordPress social sharing options, meaning it also gets posted on all of my social networks.

“Knowledge is power. Knowledge shared is power multiplied.” – Robert Noyce

2 thoughts on “Something Worth Sharing

  1. There are so many people out there, there bound to be some that like the same stuff as you. So if you think it is worth sharing, then it is worth it; no matter how random it is. You are your blog’s identity. Don’t think about it, write contents first and then shuffle through / delete posts that you don’t like 😉 it will all work out in the end.


    • Thanks Joyce! Your words are definitely encouraging. When I started the blog I never thought of it other than random personal stories. But now the content has some diversity so I started organizing things and kinda got lost in the process. But you are right! We are the blog’s identity 🙂 Thank you for reminding me.

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